Headings -

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Paragraph -

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

UL / List -

OL / List -

  1. Plan all your promotions ahead of D-day: Enable the Smart Swtich option, set up your catalog and set and end time. and now you are free to focus on the things that really matter close to the holidays.

Links -

Style for link

Want to up your Facebook ads and social media marketing game with Socioh? Sign up now!

Block Quote-

💖 A special treat for our special customers. Exclusive 50% OFF coupon XCPFV just for you. 💖
Enjoy before stock runs out!!

Figure and Caption -

Phew! Where are those elves when you need them?
blog-quote - <blog-quote><blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blog-blue-text - <blog-blue-text><blog-blue-text>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blog-em - <blog-em><blog-em>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
low-highlight - <low-highlight><low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
red-low-highlight - <red-low-highlight><red-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
green-low-highlight - <green-low-highlight><green-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
purple-low-highlight - <purple-low-highlight><purple-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
pink-low-highlight - <pink-low-highlight><pink-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
yellow-low-highlight - <yellow-low-highlight><yellow-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blue-low-highlight - <blue-low-highlight><blue-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blog-blue-text-block - <blog-blue-text-block><blog-blue-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
Post title ( Would be added automatically)-

Full-Funnel BFCM Campaigns the Pros Run: The only ad strategy you need for Facebook and Instagram promotions

Headings -

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Paragraph -

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

UL / List -

OL / List -

  1. Plan all your promotions ahead of D-day: Enable the Smart Swtich option, set up your catalog and set and end time. and now you are free to focus on the things that really matter close to the holidays.

Links -

Style for link

Want to up your Facebook ads and social media marketing game with Socioh? Sign up now!

Block Quote-

💖 A special treat for our special customers. Exclusive 50% OFF coupon XCPFV just for you. 💖
Enjoy before stock runs out!!

Figure and Caption -

Phew! Where are those elves when you need them?
Custom Tags
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags - <blog-quote><blog-quote>. For example, if you want to use blog quote in the blog then <blog-quote>This is some text inside of a div block<blog-quote>. All these changes will show after the article is published.
Anchor tag -
Step 1.
Add this code snippet where you want to anchor the section <span id="sectionName"> </span>.
Step 2. Use webflow native link tool to link your content and then add span id name with # as the URL (#sectionName) as shown below.
blue-blog-quote - <blue-blog-quote><blue-blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
green-blog-quote - <green-blog-quote><green-blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
aqua-blog-quote - <aqua-blog-quote><aqua-blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blog-quote - <blog-quote><blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
grey-blog-quote - <grey-blog-quote><grey-blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
charcoal-blog-quote - <charcoal-blog-quote><charcoal-blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
red-blog-quote - <red-blog-quote><red-blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
purple-blog-quote - <purple-blog-quote><purple-blog-quote>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blog-blue-text - <blog-blue-text><blog-blue-text>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blog-em - <blog-em><blog-em>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
low-highlight - <low-highlight><low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
red-low-highlight - <red-low-highlight><red-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
green-low-highlight - <green-low-highlight><green-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
purple-low-highlight - <purple-low-highlight><purple-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
pink-low-highlight - <pink-low-highlight><pink-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
yellow-low-highlight - <yellow-low-highlight><yellow-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
blue-low-highlight - <blue-low-highlight><blue-low-highlight>
This is some text inside of a div block.
Note - All these low highlight would work once per paragraph.
blog-blue-text-block - <blog-blue-text-block><blog-blue-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
aqua-bar-text-block - <aqua-bar-text-block><aqua-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.

If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
black-bar-text-block - <black-bar-text-block><black-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.

If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
light-purple-text-block - <light-purple-bar-text-block><light-purple-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.

If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
light-orange-text-block - <light-orange-bar-text-block><light-orange-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
green-bar-text-block - <green-bar-text-block><green-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
blue-bar-text-block - <blue-bar-text-block><blue-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
purple-bar-text-block - <purple-bar-text-block><purple-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
red-bar-text-block - <red-bar-text-block><red-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
orange-bar-text-block - <orange-bar-text-block><orange-bar-text-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
For custom styling add this in the code snippet. Change the class name for change in style.
<div class="aqua-bar-text-block" style="padding-bottom: 4px;">
<h3>This is the heading or title</h3>
<strong>This is bolded text</strong>
<i>This is italics</i>
<u>This is underline</u>
<p>You may have heard that Lookalike audiences are no longer working. This is not true.</p>
<p>Socioh’s LLAs are still performing very well for most of our users.</p>
<p>This is because they are RFM (Recency-Frequency-Monetary) value-based audiences. This is something recommended by Meta but not sent by most other apps. You can learn more about RFM-based audiences <a href="/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-segmenting-your-audiences-post-ios-14" target="_blank">here.</a></p>

For adding a link on any text
<a href="ADD URL" target="_blank">ADD TEXT WHICH HAS TO BE LINKED</a>
For custom well with Beehiiv embed link

<div class="aqua-bar-text-block" style="padding-bottom: 4px;"><h3>Join a growing community of 4000+ founders and advertisers</h3>
<p>No clickbait. Get only the most current, most relevant insights on advertising and eCommerce.</p>
<p>Once every week.</p>
<p><iframe src="https://embeds.beehiiv.com/642b0a57-5172-4987-af8c-76a7bfa479ad?slim=true" data-test-id="beehiiv-embed" height="52" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 0px !important; background-color: transparent;"></iframe><br>100% free. No spam</p>

For adding image in the well copy the below code snippet.
<p><img src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/5fb7b360073b51cf7bb31896/651d814bb966049377391cc8_Group%20355.png"></p>

Replace the link in between the quotes to the link of the image you want to add and to get the webflow link of that image.
1) Upload the assets regularly on the editor
2) After it uploads, left click -> Settings icon in which you can find the Image url.
3) Copy that URL and replace it with the above link in the quotes.
blog-well-block - <blog-well-block><blog-well-block>
If you found this useful, join our Facebook group to learn the best practices for digital marketing and social media advertising.
underline - <underline><underline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
Strikethrough - <strikethrough><strikethrough>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
overline - <overline><overline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
yellow-underline - <overline><overline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
red-underline - <overline><overline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
purple-underline - <overline><overline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
blue-underline - <overline><overline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
green-underline - <overline><overline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
dotted-underline - <dotted-underline><dotted-underline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
double-dotted-underline - <double-dotted-underline><double-dotted-underline>
Use custom tags by adding your content between these tags
line - <line><line>
Post title ( Would be added automatically)-

Full-Funnel BFCM Campaigns the Pros Run: The only ad strategy you need for Facebook and Instagram promotions

Full-Funnel BFCM Campaigns the Pros Run: The only ad strategy you need for Facebook and Instagram promotions

Valentine’s Day is almost here and love is already in the air!

That means everyone is looking for the perfect gift for their loved ones – partner, family, pets, friends – or themselves!

We are too, and that’s how we came across these cute, funny, clever, and downright excellent ads to be inspired by.

Here are 14 of the most adorable Valentine’s Day ads:

Hoot hoot! How can you possibly say no to this cutie?

On top of the adorable imagery, the clever typography in the shape of a heart (translates to “Tour of love on Valentine’s day at the zoo”) catches the eye immediately. Loving this one!