14 Effective Valentine’s Day Ads Your Customers Will Fall In Love With

Valentine’s Day is almost here and love is already in the air!

That means everyone is looking for the perfect gift for their loved ones – partner, family, pets, friends – or themselves!

We are too, and that’s how we came across these cute, funny, clever, and downright excellent ads to be inspired by.

Here are 14 of the most adorable Valentine’s Day ads:

1. San Pellegrino

Orange you glad we’re friends?

Not exactly an orange, but this ad from San Pellegrino got us craving some. Instant buy!

2. Heineken 

Is any collection of cool ads complete without one from Heineken?

Whether it’s sharing a beer with a friend or grabbing two and cheering yourself, your Valentine’s is bound to be a good one with Heineken!

3. Levi’s

We’ve seen a lot of brands show some heart, but none quite like this!

Not only does it capture the occasion, it shows off the denim’s flexibility & comfort too.

One for the archive!

4. Adria Pasta

This is reminiscent of that famous scene from Lady and the Tramp (1955).

The classic spaghetti kiss, posterized for Adria’s marketing campaign. Classic, tasteful, and cute.

5. Kölner Zoo

Hoot hoot! How can you possibly say no to this cutie?

On top of the adorable imagery, the clever typography in the shape of a heart (translates to “Tour of love on Valentine’s day at the zoo”) catches the eye immediately. Loving this one!

6. Texcel Tape (1950)

A magazine ad from 72 years ago!

Texcel claims they’re going to mend your broken heart. Even if that’s not strictly true, it’s good to have tape lying around for gifting, and why not Texcel it!

Going through a break-up? The next ad may be the perfect anti-gift for your ex.

7. Liar Wine

We still love you, even if your ex doesn’t.

We don’t condone any aggressive behavior toward anybody, especially on Valentine’s Day but this ad caught our attention.

Liar wine exists to make your ex’s life just a little uncomfortable, but in the most passive-aggressive way possible.

Controversial? Yes.

Should you do it? Probably not.

But is this a great ad? Absolutely!

8. Flower Council of Holland

Found the love of your life on a stroll?

Use this emergency rose from the Flower Council of Holland to make sure you start off on the right foot.

Carpe diem and good luck, friend!

9. HelpAge India

A great awareness ad from HelpAge India.

Valentine’s isn’t just about spending time with your partner. Everyone needs a bit of love in their life.

Let’s take a vow to share some of our time with our elders too, deal?

10. Hovi’s Bread

Nothing like crisp toast with delicious jam for breakfast. And if it’s in the shape of a heart, how can we possibly say no?

An irresistible ad by Hovi’s Bread.

11. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is your wingman and they’ve already booked you a date.

It’s with Mac – Big Mac.

One of our favorites!

12. Estee Lauder

While not an ad per se, Estee Lauder ran this poster in an email campaign for Valentine’s Day.

The color choice, lipstick arrangement, and great copy makes this one really compelling.

Well done, we’ve signed-up for your emails, Estee Lauder!

13. Spotify

A sweet pun to grab your attention and a reminder to set the mood right with the perfect playlist, courtesy of Spotify.

14. Dom Francisco

To end on a quote — “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf

Dom Francisco wants to be your dinner destination and promises you a night to remember.

You’ve probably found some cool ads that you want to share too. Tweet them and tag us @getsocioh and let’s talk about it!

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