These Amazing Holiday Ads From Top Brands Will Blow Your Stockings Off! No 3 is INSANE

It’s the season to be merry.

But it can also be a stressful time for brand owners and advertisers trying to get their Christmas ads just right.

We searched the internet for some inspiration and came away truly amazed.

Here’s our list of 16 unforgettable holiday ads from top brands.

1. McDonald’s

A minimalist ad great to promote brand recall. This is one brand that does not not clown around with advertising.

2. Carlsberg

What’s better than time with family and friends? Time with family and friends with some chilled beer!

3. Red Cross

Feeling generous? Red Cross’s impressive advertising reminds you that charity can be as simple as donating your blood.

4. Mercedes-Benz

This ad from the car giant is a reminder that not all holiday ads need product shots with Christmas trees or Santa hats. Less really is more when it comes to brand recall.

5. Tide

This brilliant ad from Tide reminds you all you need for (a white) Christmas is some good old holiday spirit — looks like Tide to go pen wouldn’t hurt either!

6. DK

This ad from DK footwear is proof that the holiday spirit is everywhere. You only have to look!

7. Carla

Looking to rack up some good holiday karma? All you need to do is shop sustainably at this Austrian second-hand store!

8. Nespresso

Steaming cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows. Mmm, sounds great — so long as we’ve had our coffee first! Here’s Nespresso reminding you that you have a great cup of coffee, and drink it too.

9. CreAds

The year’s end is a great time for advertising agencies to showcase their skills. It’s an important time for branding, but more importantly, it’s the best time to get noticed. Most businesses will re-align their yearly contracts come January!

10. Ikea

Starting your home improvement projects before Thanksgiving? The Swedish furniture brand combines clever advertising with some great discounts so your home is ready for the holidays.

11. Peechey

Tell us you’re digital product without telling us you’re a digital product. Peecheey, lets you know it’s got all the Christmas vectors you need!

12. CreativeOde

How many drafts do you write before you’re ready to publish? This cute ad from CreativeOde is really hitting us in the feels!

13. Quality Street

Can’t have Christmas without candy. We’re really feeling the cheer with this colorful reminder to stock up on some sweetmeats!

14. Vino Wine & Spirits

This cute aad is sure to keep your brand name top-of-mind when shoppers are busy filling up their carts with Christmas spirits!

15. Toblerone

A giant Christmas tree made out of chocolate? We’ll take it!

16. Marshall

Finally, if you’re getting tired of all the saccharine advertising, Marshall reminds you there’s no reason to compromise on your icons just because it’s the holidays. Long live teen spirit.

Enjoyed these eye-catching Christmas ads?

Don’t forget to share yours. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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