Facing trouble signing up with Socioh or connecting your ad account(s)? Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you troubleshoot successfully.
1. You cannot log in to your existing account:
Unable to login to your existing account via Facebook? See an error with the words “Something went wrong”? First, refresh your screen and try to reconnect to Socioh. If this doesn’t work, make sure you are logged out of Socioh and your Facebook account, then clear you cache from your web browser’s ‘browsing history’. Now log back in to Socioh and Facebook. This should usually resolve the issue, but you may be prompted to reconnect your Facebook account and set up your permissions for Socioh again.
Another possible solution is try to log in using the “Incognito” mode on your browser. However, if none of these solutions work, please reach out to us using the in-app chat option (chat box on the bottom right corner of your Socioh dashboard). We also recommend that you accompany your message with a screenshot of any error code. Here’s how:
-Step 1: Right click on your screen and click on “Inspect” in the menu that opens (screenshot below):

-Step 2: Then, in the box that’ll open either on the bottom of the page or to the right of your screen, toggle to the heading “Console” and send us a screenshot of all the code you see there like we’ve done (screenshot below):
If your store is already connected to Socioh, this could be because another member of your team has connected your store to the Socioh dashboard. If you or your team members simply can’t find your login details or don’t remember installing Socioh, get in touch with our team. You can use the in-app chat icon (find it on the bottom-right corner of your Socioh dashboard) for a quick response or write us an email. We’ll manually remove your store from our dashboard, which will allow you to create a new login for your store.
3. Your primary Facebook account/ connected Facebook profile has been suspended:
If you’ve lost access to the Facebook profile you’ve used to connect to Socioh, get in touch with our team using the in-app chat icon. Our team will manually migrate your details to the new account (you’ll need to send us a link to your new profile, in addition to your first and last name). However, please note that the campaigns you have created through your Socioh dashboard will no longer be visible/editable on Socioh, though they will continue to run on Facebook.
4. You cannot connect your Facebook Business Manager to Socioh:
You’ll need to connect your Facebook Business Manager to Socioh to start advertising on Facebook. Unless you’re using Socioh only for organic marketing, we recommend that you configure your dashboard in its entirety. If you’re getting an error saying there is no Business Manager connected to your Facebook profile, check that you have a Facebook Business Manager account or create one (it only takes a few minutes). Further, you’ll need to set up an Ad account, a Facebook pixel, and connect your brand’s Facebook page to begin advertising. If you’re facing trouble with any of these steps, here’s a quick checklist:
- Check that you are the “Admin” of the Business Manager you are trying to connect.
- Check that you have an ad account, a pixel, and a Facebook page connected to your Business manager, or have claimed your personal ad account from your Business Manager (detailed in the next section).
- Check that you do not have any outstanding payments on the ad account you are trying to connect.
- If your ad account is new, run a small campaign (even 1 dollar would do) and pay the bill to activate the account and set it up for your Business Manager.
- Get in touch with us if you’re still facing issues.
You’re getting an error saying that there is no ad account connected with the Business Manager:
If you cannot see your ad account or are getting an error saying there is no account connected to your Business Manager, check that you have an active ad account connected to your Business Manager and that you have admin permissions/access to both. If you’ve been using a personal ad account, here are the steps to claiming your personal ad account from within your Business Manager:
- Open your Business Manager and go to Business Settings.
- Click on the ‘Accounts’ drop-down and select ‘Ad Accounts’.
- Click on the ‘+ Add’ button.
- Choose one of the 3 options: Add Ad Account, Request Access to an Ad Account or Create a new ad account.
- If you choose to request access or add an ad account, enter the ad account ID for your personal account and submit your request. Now you’re all set up.
If you’ve already done this, ensure that you clear any pending payments in the account. Once you settle the outstanding balance, you should stop seeing the error.
- You’re getting an error saying you don’t have a Facebook Pixel connected to your account:
Check that you have a Facebook pixel installed on your website and that it is assigned to your ad account connected to Socioh. Facebook has detailed help on how you can share your Pixel across your accounts. - You’re getting an error saying that your pixel is connected to a personal ad account: If you’re getting an error saying that your pixel is connected to your personal ad account, first claim your personal ad account (detailed under step 5). Once this is done, here’s how you can check that your pixel has the required assets:1. Open your Business Manager and go to your Business Settings. Now go to ‘Data Sources’ and select ‘Pixels’
2. Now, select the correct pixel for your account and check that you are added as an admin under ‘Add People’.
3. Finally, check that your pixel is connected to the right ad account. Click on ‘Add Assets’ and check that your account is connected. Your account ID should show up under the “Connected Assets’ tab.
4. If this is not the case, click on ‘Add Assets’ and enter your account ID here, then click on ‘Add’. You should now see your pixel when you refresh your ‘Settings’ screen (Settings–>Facebook Settings–>Account Details) in Socioh.
Sometimes, Socioh may not be able to fetch all your accounts immediately and may take a little while to detect all your account details. If you’ve worked your way through the checklist above, returning to the Socioh dashboard after an hour or so maybe all that’s needed.
Please use the in-app chat/support option to reach out to us if you face any issues or need additional support.