Advertising on Meta? Don’t miss out on these ad campaigns for your BFCM sales

5 Must-have campaigns for BFCM 2022

It’s that time of the year again.

Stores have already started targeting discount shoppers, ad costs are going up, and advertisers are using their best creative hooks to convert shoppers.

GIF with Oprah saying

After all, BFCM is serious business. In 2021, store owners on Shopify alone made a whopping $6.3 billion USD in sales globally between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, a 23% increase from 2020*.

If you haven’t set up your BFCM ads yet, or are wondering why your current ads aren’t working, don’t panic!

We have 2022’s top 5 BFCM campaigns for Meta right here for you. You’re welcome!

Let’s dive right in and take a look at each of these campaigns:

1. Dynamic Product Ad (DPA) to retarget your recent website visitors and carters. This is an absolute must-have campaign in your account.

How: Run this with a full shop product catalog, with two ad sets targeting 30-day cart abandoners, and 90-day website visitors.

This campaign is already set up in Socioh’s “Ad Campaigns” and can be set up in just three clicks.

PRO TIP: Want to skip the learning curve? If you’ve been already been using Socioh, use Smart Switch to change the catalog in your Sales Recovery campaign into a BFCM catalog when your BFCM promotions start. This way, your already-optimized campaign does not relearn or spend any time ‘pending review”.

2. Consolidated Retargeting Campaign to target everyone familiar with your brand.  This campaign retargets your past purchasers, website visitors, social media engagers, and email subscribers using separate ad sets in order to get your best offers in front of as many people as possible.

How: Set up 4 ad sets with all your past purchasers, website visitors, social media engagers, and a custom audience of your email subscribers, excluding 30-day purchasers from all, and lifetime purchasers from the last.

PRO TIP: Keep an eye on the budget and keep increasing it to maximize sales. So long as you are close to your target ROAS, you need not worry about your ad’s frequency.

Don’t see it in your account? Give it a day — it’s being rolled out to all our subscribers in the next 1-2 days.

3. Layered Prospecting Campaign, or a ‘creative tester’. As the name suggests, this campaign is great for testing creatives in your account. It is set up using 3 main prospecting audiences as three different ad sets:

How: Add the same creative(s) to all ad sets so you know which creatives are working best at any given time. Set the budget at the campaign level (CBO) — that way, Facebook spends on the ad set that is performing best at any given time.

This is a ready-to-use campaign in Socioh’s “Ad Campaigns” and can be set up in just a few clicks.

4. Dynamic Ad Broad Audience (DABA) to prospect. This broad-or-open-prospecting campaign combines the full power of Meta’s AI with Socioh’s Branded Catalogs. A great prospecting campaign to run at the top of your funnel, it is very popular among agencies.

How: Set it up using a full shop catalog and broad demographic criteria only such as country, age range and gender (if applicable).

This is a ready-to-use campaign in Socioh’s “Ad Campaigns” and can be set up in just a few clicks.

TIP: Use Socioh’s Branded Catalogs to update and test multiple catalog designs or use Socioh’s Smart Loop feature to rotate your message.

5. Advantage Plus Shopping Campaign. This is Meta’s preset campaign that includes automatic placements, lowest cost bid strategy, etc. that maximizes performance & finds new customers. With a quicker learning curve than regular campaigns, it is an especially good campaign for your BFCM promotions.

How: Add around 5 of your top/tested creatives, from across formats (catalog, collection, image and video), and group site visitors into your “Existing Customer audience” to maximize prospecting gains.

This is a ready-to-use campaign in Socioh’s “Ad Campaigns” and can be set up in just a few clicks.

What are you waiting for? Log in to Socioh and get started right away!


*Want to look at the numbers yourself? Read the report here:

is a digital advertising platform for eCommerce brands. Our Branded Catalog is the industry leader in dynamic catalog advertising and product feeds.