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7 reasons why your Meta catalog is NOT getting sales

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Meta has been through a tough time.

With the iOS14.5 update, its tumbles in the share market, and Instagram’s dominance coming under pressure with the rise of TikTok, Meta has taken a real kick in the keister.

But it’s been a while now. It’s 2023, and guess what? 

Meta is still the powerhouse of online ads!

And because of this, more and more brands have started spending more, fighting for those precious impressions.

Intimidating, right? So, how do you compete in this congested war for ad space?

Dynamic ads are your answer!

You’re probably running a dynamic product ad (DPA) in your account too. 

And I bet your feed looks like this:

Plain, uninteresting, and simply boring. 

Socioh has worked with 100s of brands for the past decade. We’ve found that every single one of them ran plain catalog ads, poorly engineered feeds, and brought in zero long-term success!

But lucky for you, I will tell you exactly how you can solve all the issues with your product catalog, giving you higher CTRs, optimized spending, and increased ROAS!

Here are 7 reasons why your DPA doesn't sell and how you can boost their performance:

1. Don’t lose clicks to the plain catalog! Design. Iterate. Win.

Plain feed catalogs are no longer enough to grab your audience’s attention. They will get you nowhere in the busy, and fast-paced world of social media.

That’s why brands like Amazon, HnM, etc. use custom product feeds to attract customers.

And you should too!

Change image backgrounds, add logos & branding, highlight prices & discounts – and so much more.

Stand out in the crowded feed with unique, on-brand designs, and connect with your audience like never before with Socioh’s Branded Catalogs

Check out other ads by Specialized.

Check out all the other ways you can use Branded Catalogs. 

2. Disabled your DPAs because of poor long-term performance? 

You’ve probably run DPAs, seen good results, soldiered on, and then your dynamic ads just… stopped working. 

What gives?! 

Your audience is tired of looking at the same ad, over and over.
It’s called “creative fatigue”. And it’s super common. 

To keep your ads fresh, relevant, and interesting, use Smart Switch to change your designs on the fly, in minutes!

You can even run your designs in an endless loop, to test, iterate and improve your catalog creative.

See how Socioh’s Smart Loop can revitalize your dynamic ads.

3. Editing a DPA is scary because you lose all ad learnings!

Let’s say Valentine’s Day is around the corner.
You’ve got a killer sale planned but the moment you edit your DPAs caption or headline, your learnings are lost. 

We wouldn’t wish that on our worst enemies! 

Time to upgrade your workflow & your catalogs with no compromise.
With Smart Switch, you can schedule your sales in advance with no learnings lost! 

This means that you can add urgency, run flash sales, show limited time offers, etc. without any downsides to ad performance. 

4. Beautiful lifestyle shots ruined by bad image handling

You’ve probably got amazing lifestyle shots for your products but you’ve put the product-only images first, which is not wrong.

It’s great for your website, but terrible for your DPAs.

And even if you have your lifestyle images up front, your product feed probably adds these ugly white bars on the sides or top.

Lifestyle shots are the best way to get an emotional response from your customers. 

Don’t compromise your brand identity and customer engagement with a poor catalog.

Use Socioh’s Branded Catalogs to add lifestyle images and create stunning, thumb-stopping ads. 

Got more than one lifestyle image? Put them together and create multi-image DPAs!

Check out the biggest D2C brands using Branded Catalogs to show off their lifestyle images.

5. Stuck with a single language, single currency feed for multilingual countries?

Let’s talk about this with a real example.

Boutique 1861 is a Canada-based women’s online fashion boutique. And Canada has people who natively speak both English and French.

With a regular catalog feed, they could only have one language, and one price. 

Socioh is the best solution to this problem.

By switching their DPAs to Branded Catalogs, they could automatically display the local language or currency on their catalog ads, in just a few clicks.
Check out their Branded Catalogs here!

This is not Boutique 1861’s ad, it is only an illustration.

6. Lack of trust losing you revenue at the bottom-of-the-funnel (BOF)

There’s nothing better than great word of mouth. 

One good review could convince someone to buy your products more than any value proposition or sale.

So why not highlight the best reviews on your dynamic catalog ads?

Socioh automatically pulls in the best customer reviews from your review app and shows them off in your DPAs.

Combine them with multiple lifestyle images & your branding, and voilà! 

You’ve got a unique, eye-catching & powerful ad.

We natively integrate with Yotpo, Stamped.io, Junip, and Judge.me but also support CSV uploads. Learn more about Socioh’s review integration. 

7. Poorly engineered product feeds affect catalog health negatively

We’ve seen many product catalogs across numerous brands and services. One of the biggest problems we saw was low quality product feeds, a.k.a poor catalog health.

You’re probably reading this for the first time too! Here’s a quick breakdown to understand catalog health:

  • <green-low-highlight>Low Event Match Rate<green-low-highlight> leads to bad learnings.
    <p>If your Event Match Rate is less than 90%, it means that Meta isn’t able to match your customer's product engagements with the products in your catalog.</p>
  • <green-low-highlight>Stale product data<green-low-highlight> can lose your sales.
    <p>Your feed is likely, not up to date. And so, your audience sees old information (price, discounts, etc.) & Meta is unable to optimize your ads correctly.</p>
  • Including sold-out products is <green-low-highlight>bad for business<green-low-highlight>.
    <p>Including all the products in the store, including out-of-stock ones means that your audience will likely visit those products and leave without a sale. That’s lost revenue!</p>
  • <green-low-highlight>Incomplete information<green-low-highlight> affects Meta’s learnings & optimization.
    <p>Your current feed is probably not sending all the data it can. It’s crucial to include as much data as you can, ideally, everything (meta fields, product tags, etc).</p>

With Socioh’s catalogs, we’ve kept all of this in mind (and then some) to engineer a technically superior product feed & catalog

This ensures Meta can learn quickly, and efficiently to deliver your ads in the best way.

Learn more about catalog health as Karan, our founder, and CEO, takes you through what you need to keep an eye out for when analyzing your DPA/DABA performance.

Branded Catalogs - Get Creative with Your Dynamic Ads

‍Socioh’s Branded Catalogs enhance your dynamic ads by adding your logo, lifestyle images, promotions, user reviews – and so much more!

You can really hone in on your messaging & design to create a customized journey for your customers. 

All this in minutes! 

Spending money on ads that can easily be ignored or don’t resonate with your audience is a complete waste of your ad budget.

Branded Catalogs solve this problem in a few clicks, literally, directly leading to higher-quality traffic, more conversions, and optimized spending

And that means increased ROAS too!

Seeing is believing so watch this video from our co-founder, Sahiba Sandhu (@therealsahiba), about Socioh’s Branded Catalogs in action!

It’s time to stop living life on the slow lane. Sign up to Socioh today and add rocket boosters to your ad campaigns.

Is Socioh the right choice for you?

Socioh is a toolkit for the hands-on advertiser, whether you’re an agency or you run ads in-house. 

But Socioh will work only as well as you do.  

If you invest some time and energy into understanding the tool and setting it up correctly, you will be able to outperform most advertisers. 

If, however, you are looking for a ‘set and forget’ model, then Socioh may not be the right app for you. 

We believe that while automation is required for saving time and enabling functionality, compelling advertising needs human direction.

But you don't have to do it alone.
We're here to help you along the way. We believe our product can make you successful, and we work with you to help you set up for success.

Our 60-day money-back guarantee* gives you the chance to try out Socioh risk-free.

If you don't get results, you get a refund. No questions asked. Get Started NOW.

*Socioh's money-back guarantee is valid only for first-time users.

is a digital advertising platform for eCommerce brands. Our Branded Catalog is the industry leader in dynamic catalog advertising and product feeds.

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